Wednesday, July 28, 2010


1. Shri Pathanjali siddhar
2. Shri Agasthiyar siddhar
3. Shri Kamalamuni siddhar
4. Shri Thirumoolar siddhar
5. Shri Kuthambai siddhar
6. Shri Korakkar siddhar
7. Shri Thanvantari siddhar
8. Shri Sundaranandar siddhar
9. Shri Konganar siddhar
10. Shri Sattamuni siddhar
11. Shri Vanmeegar siddhar
12. Shri Ramadevar siddhar
13. Shri Nandeeswarar siddhar
14. Shri Edaikkadar siddhar
15. Shri Machamuni siddhar
16. Shri Karuvoorar siddhar
17. Shri Bogar siddhar
18. Shri Pambaati siddha

1 comment:

  1. The Catholic God (the Christian God) ... is the only *one* among all the other "gods" ... Who tells the FUTURE.
    It is only the Catholic faith ... which is not … a man-made fable.
    The Catholic Church has no physical properties or personnel hierarchy in these times …
    refer to >
    Everything for how to get to Heaven in the single way prescribed by God >
    - - - - - The Catholic God telling the future - - - - -
    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:4 >
    "Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? What is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?"
    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Sophonius 3:8 >
    "Expect Me, saith the Lord, in the day of My resurrection that is to come ... to gather the kingdoms."
    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 >
    "Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His."  Etc, etc. > More on Section 2.3
